viernes, 7 de junio de 2013


Officially started my summer vacations!!!!! With the end-of-term exams over, the Selectividad over as well ( Selectividad is the official exam we do here in Spain to get accepted in public universities) and not having to attend school, I'll have more time to paint, draw and dedicate to the blog :)    

 Today I'll continue with my under-the-sea theme I started with the hermit crab from my previous post ( ) This time though, it's a seahorse, and I also created him from a few scribbles which I then looked carefully and my imagination did the rest, adding all the details and missing parts so that everyone sees the seahorse and it's not just me. Anyway I'll have to confess that at first it was intended to be a crocodile but then I thought it would do better as a seahorse and that's how he stayed.

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